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Multiple VIDs/PIDs
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The current library has a default VID/PID table embedded within to determine if a particular device will be opened/accessed by the library. This table contains FTDI's own VID and PIDs, therefore if you use FTDI default VID and PIDs this will not concern your application.

There may be a situation when this is not suitable for a particular application such as custom VIDs and/or PIDs. The FT_SetVIDPID API call can cater for single instances of VID/PID variations, however there is a method to include your own range of VID/PIDs with a custom table.

·Using xcode, open the LibTable.xcodeproj in the LibTable folder  

·Edit the ftdi_table.c file to include your own VIDs/PIDs  

·Recompile the library  

·Copy the resultant binary to the /usr/local/lib directory  

If you have trouble with the above procedure (don't know what xcode is or can't compile the library) then contact support with your VID/PID requests and we will provide you with a binary to use. Current workload will ultimately impact on the time we can provide you with a library therefore it is advised to provided us with the details at your earliest possible convenience.