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Read data from an external device to the FT2232C using the SPI protocol.

(FTC_HANDLE ftHandle, PFTC_INIT_CONDITION pReadStartCondition, BOOL bClockOutControBitsMSBFirst, BOOL bClockOutControBitsPosEdge, DWORD dwNumControlBitsToWrite, PWriteControlByteBuffer pWriteControlBuffer, DWORD dwNumControlBytesToWrite, BOOL bClockInDataBitsMSBFirst, BOOL bClockInDataBitsPosEdge, DWORD dwNumDataBitsToRead, PReadDataByteBuffer pReadDataBuffer, LPDWORD lpdwNumDataBytesReturned, PFTC_HIGHER_OUTPUT_PINS pHighPinsReadActiveStates)

Handle of the device.
Pointer to the structure that contains the start output states (low or high) of the clock, data out and signal out/chip select pins of the FT2232C.
Clock out control bits most significant bit (MSB) first (TRUE), clock out control bits least significant bit (LSB) first (FALSE).
Clock out control bits on positive clock edge (TRUE), clock out control bits on negative clock edge (FALSE).
Specifies the number of control bits to be written to an external device. Valid range 2 to 2040. 2040 bits is equivalent to 255 bytes.
Pointer to buffer that contains the control data to be written to an external device. Listed below is an example of control and address bytes:
Control Address byte 1, Control Address byte 2

Specifies the number of control bytes in the write control buffer, which contains all the specified bits to be written to an external device. Valid range 1 to 255 bytes.
Clock in data bits most significant bit (MSB) first (TRUE), clock in data bits least significant bit (LSB) first (FALSE).
Clock in data bits on positive clock edge (TRUE), clock in data bits on negative clock edge (FALSE).
Specifies the number of bits to be read from an external device. Valid range 2 to 524280. 524280 bits is equivalent to 64K bytes.
Pointer to buffer that returns the data read from an external device. Size of buffer should be set to 65535.
Pointer to a variable of type DWORD which receives the actual number of data bytes read from an external device. These bytes contain the specified number of bits read from an external device.
Pointer to the structure that contains which of the 4 upper general purpose input/output pins of a FT2232C, are to be used during a write to an external device. Each GPIO pin that is to be used during a read from an external device must have been previously configured as an output pin (see SPI_SetGPIOs).

Return Value
FTC_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise the return value is one of the following FTC error codes:


This function will read data from an external device to the FT2232C using the SPI protocol. The data will be clocked at a rate specified by the clock divisor set by calling either the SPI_InitDevice or SPI_SetClock functions.

The init condition, write control buffer, read data buffer and high pins read active states definitions are given in the


#define NUM_93LC56B_CMD_CONTOL_BITS 11

#define NUM_93LC56B_CMD_DATA_BITS 16

FTC_HANDLE ftHandle;
FTC_INIT_CONDITION ReadStartCondition;
WriteControlByteBuffer WriteControlBuffer;
ReadDataByteBuffer ReadDataBuffer;
DWORD dwNumDataBytesReturned = 0;
FTC_HIGHER_OUTPUT_PINS HighPinsWriteActiveStates;

ReadStartCondition.bClockPinState = false;
ReadStartCondition.bDataOutPinState = false;
ReadStartCondition.bChipSelectPinState = false;
ReadStartCondition.dwChipSelectPin = ADBUS3ChipSelect;

dwReadDataWordAddress = 0;

// set up read command and address
dwControlLocAddress1 = 192; //'\xC0';
dwControlLocAddress1 = (dwControlLocAddress1 | ((dwReadDataWordAddress / 8) & '\x0F'));

// shift left 5 bits ie make bottom 3 bits the 3 MSB's
dwControlLocAddress2 = ((dwReadDataWordAddress & '\x07') * 32);

WriteControlBuffer[0] = (dwControlLocAddress1 & '\xFF');
WriteControlBuffer[1] = (dwControlLocAddress2 & '\xFF');

Status = SPI_Read(ftHandle, &ReadStartCondition, true, false, NUM_93LC56B_CMD_CONTOL_BITS, &WriteControlBuffer, NUM_93LC56B_CMD_CONTOL_BYTES, true, false, NUM_93LC56B_CMD_DATA_BITS, &ReadDataBuffer, &dwNumDataBytesReturned, &HighPinsWriteActiveStates);