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  FT9xx Software Examples

This page contains examples specific to the FT9xx 32 bit RISC Microcontroller (MCU) series featuring true Zero Wait State operation and speeds of up to 3.1 DMIPS. The projects may be used as reference material to develop further projects or to verify existing hardware functionality.

  • FT9xx with WiFi
  • FT9xx EVE Examples
  • FT9xx Simple Examples
  • FT9xx UART to GPIO Bridge
  • FT9xx UART to SPI Bridge
  • USBD HID Touch Panel
  • D2xx USB Active Display
  •   FT9xx EVE Examples

    FTDI have produced examples showcasing how to use EVE with various host controllers including the FT9xx. Please navigate to the EVE Projects link for more information. Note that when importing these example into the FT9xx Toolchain based on Eclipse, do not select ‘copy to workspace’ as some required lower level directories are not copied using that method.

      FT9xx Simple Examples
    The FT9xx toolchain installer includes a set of sample projects showcasing how to use the dedicated libraries to access each functional block of the FT9xx devices. A separate copy is provided here for users wishing to either view the code before installing the toolchain or perhaps downloading files to repair edits made to the original download.

    Further details of the functionality may be found in the application note AN_360.    
      FT9xx UART to GPIO Bridge
    This example creates a bridge from the FT9xx UART port to GPIO. The example will accept instructions on the UART interface to monitor and control GPIO pins. Further details of the functionality may be found in the application note AN_372.

    Full source code to allow the user to build or modify is available in the .zip file available for download here.

    In addition to the MCU project code a simple windows utility application was also developed as an alternative to accessing the UART from a terminal emulator window. This is also made available for free download here.   
     FT9xx UART to SPI Bridge
    This example creates a bridge from the FT9xx UART port to an SPI Master. The example will all data to be transferred between a UART port and an SPI Master. The data may be read or written. Further details of the functionality may be found in the application note AN_374.

    Full source code to allow the user to build or modify is available in the .zip file available for download here.

    In addition to the MCU project code a simple windows utility application was also developed as an alternative to accessing the UART from a terminal emulator window. This is also made available for free download here.
     USBD HID Touch Panel
    This example combines FT9xx technology with EVE technology to create a touch panel keyboard to control a PC or embedded system with a USB host port. The FT9xx provides a HID class USB device bridge to SPI for driving an EVE controlled, full colour TFT display with touch control. Developed using the free FT9xx libraries on the Eclipse IDE the user may create an HMI solution for inputting text to a system. Further details of the functionality may be found in the application note BRT_AN_012.

    Full source code to allow the user to build or modify is available in the .zip file available for download here.(version 1.3)

    Note: Toolchain version 2.5.0 or later is required.

     D2xx USB Active Display
    This example combines FT9xx technology with EVE technology to create a touch enabled display that will connect with an embedded system or PC via a USB port. The FT9xx provides a D2xx class USB device bridge to SPI for driving an EVE controlled, full colour TFT display with touch control.

    Complementing the FT9xx firmware is a host side application that will connect with the internet to enable selected pages to be displayed on the FT9xx controlled display. Applications of this technology could include retail advertising displays or information kiosks requiring cheap touch controlled displays connected to a centralized server for providing regularly updated information.

    All firmware was developed using the free FT9xx libraries on the Eclipse IDE. Further details of the functionality may be found in the application note BRT_AN_016.

    Full source code to allow the user to build or modify is available in the .zip file available for download here.

    A short example video is available here:


     FT9xx with WiFi
    Whilst the FT9xx series does not include wireless interfaces within the device package itself, it does not exclude the IC from being integrated into a wireless solution. This example, described in BRT AN 024, uses the FT9xx with an ESP32 device and an EVE controlled display to create a wireless display controller. The ESP32 is a small microcontroller with WiFi capability which can interface to the FT9xx over UART. The FT9xx bridges the UART to a QSPI interface for access to an EVE controlled display, converting what is essentially an SPI peripheral display to a wireless control and display panel.

    Full source code to support the application may be downloaded here



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